Unregulated timber logging economy is at the centre of extremists’ governance strategies and infiltration into the region.
New research shows that strides have been made, but more support and private-public partnerships are needed.
Le bassin du Congo est de plus en plus exploité par des criminels qui tirent d'importants bénéfices de ce commerce illicite du bois.
07 / 03 / 2024 by Nicholas Atampugre
The country's Congo River basin is emerging as an area for criminals to profit significantly from this illicit trade.
International demand for succulents is driving rampant harvesting and trade, and some species now face extinction.
From illegal fishing to smuggling, this report highlights the lake's vulnerability and the urgent need for action.
06 / 03 / 2024 by Willis Okumu
Une nouvelle étude montre que des progrès ont été réalisés, mais qu'un soutien accru et des partenariats public-privé sont nécessaires.
La présente étude de cas explore ces phénomènes associés dans les villages riverains du Parc National du Niokolo-Koba au Sénégal et propose des réponses.
26 / 01 / 2024 by Mouhamadou Kane & Lucia Bird Ruiz Benitez de Lugo
This report explores these interlinked phenomena in communities peripheral to Senegal’s Niokolo-Koba National Park and proposes responses.
This paper explores the illegal market for succulent flora from the country's Succulent Karoo and the national strategy to address the crisis.
21 / 11 / 2023 by Carina Bruwer
International support is needed to sanction businesses complicit in timber trafficking from the Central African Republic.
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