ENACT infographics and videos deliver key messages drawn from our research and policy advice.
Criminals target loopholes in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania’s security force operations to exploit the lake’s ecosystem for profit.
14 / 08 / 2024
New research shows how better cooperation between governments could tighten the net around transnational organised criminal markets and actors.
New research in East, West and Central Africa outlines emerging practices in response to arms trafficking.
What is the nexus between armed groups and illicit economies in southern Mali and northern Benin?
ENACT considers the current status of the illegal pangolin trade and the efforts to safeguard the species in South Africa.
New research shows that strides have been made, but more support and private-public partnerships are needed.
New research on shifting drug trafficking patterns will be discussed on the margins of the commission’s 67th session.
International demand for succulents is driving rampant harvesting and trade, and some species now face extinction.
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