Ce conflit alimente les marchés illicites de la région, les populations se tournant vers les réseaux de contrebande pour des produits de première nécessité.
17 / 12 / 2024 by Matt Herbert
Sudan’s internal conflict has fuelled a new conflict economy in its northwest, amplifying regional illicit economies.
The country’s federal authority must empower regional law enforcement and involve the local community to improve security.
24 / 11 / 2022 by Tadesse Simie Metekia
Based on extensive interviews and field research in Ethiopia, this brief puts forward actionable recommendations.
31 / 01 / 2022 by Tadesse Simie Metekia
In its new form, the protocol has what it takes to address cattle rustling at the regional, national and community levels.
11 / 11 / 2021 by Mohamed Daghar and Willis Okumu
Enhancing awareness of irregular migration is a key ingredient to countering human trafficking and smuggling.
26 / 08 / 2021 by Tadesse Simei Metekia
Will Sudan’s border closures counter vehicle smuggling and other forms of organised crime?
18 / 05 / 2020 by Mohamed Daghar and Jihane Ben Yahia
Smugglers are increasingly using this East African country en route to South Africa.
30 / 07 / 2019 by Mohamed Daghar
Sudan is no longer a transit point for the drug, but has also become a manufacturing centre.
24 / 06 / 2019 by Mohamed Daghar
It is unclear how a proposed anti-trafficking strategy would strengthen the Khartoum Process.
07 / 03 / 2019 by Mohamed Daghar
Cattle rustling transcends borders, so responses to the threat should do the same.
29 / 03 / 2018 by Deo Gumba
Sudan closed its Eritrean border and deployed troops in response to arms, drug and human trafficking.
08 / 02 / 2018 by Deo Gumba
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