18 May 2022

Mining and extractives / Extracting and trafficking Morocco’s coastal sand

Permanent damage to the country’s beaches will negatively impact local livelihoods and the national tourism industry.

The lack of sanction for illegally mined sand in Morocco underlines a political and socio-economic system that facilitates endemic corruption and the degradation of the environment that puts vulnerable coastal ecosystems at risk. It is difficult to pinpoint those responsible for illegal sand extraction. Sand extraction and trafficking is enabled by a complex political system that relies on feudal allegiance and appointed officials to ensure the profitable flow of sand. Without adequate responses to this multifaceted challenge, Morocco’s beaches are at risk of being permanently disfigured, negatively impacting local livelihoods and the national tourism industry.

About the author

Abdelkader Abderrahmane is a Senior Researcher in the ENACT Programme in Dakar. Before joining the ISS, Abdelkader worked as an independent researcher. Before that position, he also worked as a Consultant for Waterland Risk. Abdelkader holds a Master in international relations from the University of Durham and a Bachelor in politics and geography from the School of Oriental and African Studies.

Image: © Shutterstock


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