Africa is estimated to lose billions of dollars annually to illicit financial flows (IFFs). While the numbers are immense, even they do not capture the full range or degree of harms resulting from IFFs. Furthermore, international definitions, measures and regulatory frameworks are not always appropriate for the African context. As such, a stronger understanding of how IFFs are generated and moved and their impact is needed to better respond to African IFFs and prioritise action against the flows and activities that are the most harmful.
About the author
Marcena Hunter is a Senior Analyst at the Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime, which she has been with since 2012. Marcena provides research for a number of Global Initiatives projects, analysing a diverse range of organized crime flows, including illicit financial flows, and developing responses. While her work covers a wide scope of material and geographic spread, her current work has focused on gold-related crime and development responses to organized crime. Marcena previously worked with STATT, a boutique global consulting firm, where she analysed migration flows and guided security sector and criminal justice reform. Her past work also includes projects improving access to justice, analysing gender issues, and supporting the Voluntary Trust Fund for Victims of Human Trafficking at the UNODC. Marcena has a JD from Washington and Lee University, and a BA in Political Science from the University of Denver. She is currently based in Queensland, Australia.
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