02 Dec 2020

Cybercrime / Digital vigilantism and social media: organised crime’s untested terrain

Without adequate regulations, African countries will be vulnerable to the damaging effects of new technologies.

Social media has become a powerful tool that, like many evolving technologies, may be used for good or for ill. Organised social media action can hold police to account, but when the online community decides someone has transgressed norms, digital vigilantism can lead to violence.

A new ENACT study explores the links between digital vigilantism and organised crime, drawing on research in South Africa and Kenya. Speakers will discuss the security impact of digital vigilantism and its contribution to debates on cyber threats.

Chairperson: Mohamed Daghar, Researcher, Institute for Security Studies

Opening Remarks: Raul de Luzenberger, Charge d’Affairs, European Union External Action Service, South Africa


Karen Allen, Senior Research Advisor Emerging Threats in Africa, ISS

Daniel Trottier, Associate Professor, Erasmus University Rotterdam

Yann Le Cloarec, Analyst, Interpol-ENACT, West Africa

Enquiries: Karen Allen, [email protected]

Photo ©  Pixabay

Event Details

Date: 2020-12-02

Time: 15:00 to 16:30 (GMT+2)

Venue: Online via Zoom, registration required

Attend via webcast

Cybercrime Institute for Security Studies Kenya South Africa
EU Flag
ENACT is funded by the European Union
ISS Donors
ENACT is implemented by the Institute for Security Studies in partnership with
INTERPOL and the Global Initiative against Transnational Organized Crime.