27 Nov 2019

Emerging crimes / Constructing crime: risks, vulnerabilities and opportunities in Africa’s infrastructure

Low quality infrastructure is among Africa’s highest development concerns.

Constructing crime: risks, vulnerabilities, and opportunities in Africa’s infrastructure is a series of ENACT and Global Initiative policy briefs that examines how Africa’s physical infrastructure shapes organised crime and how these changes will affect future trends. Thematically structured around the Belt & Road Initiative, energy, seaports, airports, and communications, the five policy briefs consider the political and economic consequences of infrastructure investment and how they could shape the illicit economy in the coming decade. This policy brief is a summary of their findings and recommendations.

About the author

David Danelo is a senior fellow of the Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime who teaches and conducts field research, consults on international border management and geopolitical risk, and writes about intersections between policy, security and culture related to organized crime. Danelo graduated from the US Naval Academy in 1998 and was a US Marine Corps infantry officer for seven years. From 2011-2012, he was the Executive Director, Policy and Planning, US Customs and Border Protection. His books BLOOD STRIPES, THE BORDER, and THE RETURN have been assigned as required reading for policy professionals and his guide, THE FIELD RESEARCHER’S HANDBOOK, is a university textbook. He is based in the United States and travels often.

Photo © Arne Hoel/World Bank


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ENACT is implemented by the Institute for Security Studies in partnership with
INTERPOL and the Global Initiative against Transnational Organized Crime.